corporate video

2020 Reel

Always an interesting, humbling, entertaining and nostalgic thing to do… rifle through all of the footage I’ve shot over the last couple of years. It’s certainly been a wild few years traveling around the country to shoot music festivals, museums, large gatherings of people… all a relic of the past, for now. Lucky to direct a few music videos each year to keep those creative juices flowing and happy to help out on as many non-profit videos as I can.

Key West shoot for OUT Magazine

Had an incredible 4 day shoot in Key West going snorkeling, kayaking, sailing, dancing, dining, historical touring, sight-seeing and capturing beautiful images.  The 10 or so hours of great video we shot will be edited down to 4 x 1min episodes for the Florida Keys Tourism Board and OUT Magazine.  They will go live in January and will be linked to from this blog.
